Hell Fish T-Shirts

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Strikeback Tackle.
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The One Metre
Barra and Murray Cod Clubs

Those skilled and lucky enough to land a metre barra, join the ranks of The Metre Club.
Are you a member yet?

This unique Hell Fish Metre Club polo shirt, a not so subtle way to let your mates know you are a member of the exclusive club. 

This Steve Hughes design, features the "The Metre Club" and Hell Fish Barra or Murray cod on the back of the polo, and the Hell Fish Logo and "Member - The Metre Club" on the front.

These are a sunprotection shirt made in Australia with "Cool Dri" micro fibre.







This an absolutely superb quality polo shirt. Manufactured in Australia to the highest standard
It is a sunprotection 40+ shirt with Cool-Tech, cool dry moisture wicking fabric for ultimate comfort and sunprotection. Short and long sleeve.
Contact us to find out more metreclub@strikebacktackle.com.au
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